Living with a disability can be a physically and financially challenging experience. From medical expenses to assistive devices, the extra costs associated with a disability can add up quickly.
However, in Canada, there is a resource available to help ease the financial burden: the Disability Tax Credit. This non-refundable tax credit provides financial assistance to individuals with disabilities or their caregivers and can be worth up to $9,428 for the 2023 tax year. But it is more than just a credit on a tax return – it can open up access to other benefits and resources to help individuals with disabilities plan for their financial future.
In this article, you can explore the eligibility criteria and benefits and gain tips for applying.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible, an individual must meet the following criteria:
Impairment in physical or mental functions: To qualify, the individual must have a significant and enduring impairment in their physical or mental capacities, indicating that the impairment must have persisted or is projected to persist for no less than 12 months.
Marked restrictions: The second requirement is that the impairment must result in marked restrictions in one or more of the basic activities of daily living (BADL) or in the ability to perform a significant amount of the mental functions necessary for everyday life. Basic daily living activities include walking, dressing, and eating, while mental functions include memory, problem-solving, and perception.
Medical certification: The final condition is that a medical professional needs to confirm that the individual satisfies the aforementioned two criteria. This certification must be completed using Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, which can be obtained from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website.
Once an individual has been approved for this tax credit, there are several benefits you can attain:
Tax credit: The most significant benefit is a tax credit. This credit can be claimed on an individual’s income tax return and can be worth up to $9,428 for the 2023 tax year. This amount can be used to reduce the amount of tax an individual owes, which can be especially helpful for those on a fixed income.
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): Those who are granted the Disability Tax Credit might be qualified to initiate a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), which is designed to aid individuals with disabilities in saving for their financial needs in the long run.
Contributions to an RDSP are not tax-deductible, but investment income earned within the plan is tax-free. The federal government also provides matching grants and bonds to eligible RDSP contributors, which can significantly increase the amount of money saved over time.
Access to Disability-Related Programs: In Canada, the DTC is often a requirement for accessing other disability-related programs and services. It can include programs like the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program in Alberta or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) in Ontario. By qualifying, individuals with disabilities can open up access to these additional resources and support.
Increased Eligibility for Other Government Programs: In addition to disability-related programs, the DTC can also increase an individual’s eligibility for other government programs. For example, in Canada, qualifying for the tax credit can make an individual eligible for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) credit, a tax-free payment made to individuals with low or modest incomes.
In conclusion, the Disability Tax Credit is an essential resource for individuals with disabilities or their caregivers in Canada. It provides financial assistance to help cover the extra costs of living with a disability. It can also open access to benefits like the Registered Disability Savings Plan and other tax credits. However, the process can be complex, and it’s essential to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying. If you require assistance with the process, consider reaching out to a disability advocacy organization or tax professional for help.