Up until the present time, there is still no specific vaccine for treating people who are infected by the deadly disease called COVID-19, which is also known as the Corona Virus Disease 2019. This is the fact behind why there is a continuation in the increasing rate of death cases of people being killed by the illness.
That is why, the World Health Organization (WHO) deliberates everyone to maintain a safe distance, at least one meter away, from others when outside, to stay healthy and sanitized. Nevertheless, there are still some people who are contaminated by COVID even if they are already following the instructions from the health authorities – this is how calamitous the virus is.
With this problem in hand, government officials from countries that are now facing this pandemic has established a complete lockdown or an enhanced community quarantine. So that, this contagious disease won’t spread any further and rob the lives of the people who still have hope in their future.
Howbeit, many enterprises, although it is big or small, and even financial institutions have also been closed down for the meantime due to this worldly problem. That business operations were halted outside their building and as well as within their offices.
To solve this issue, several corporations continued their activeness in the premises of their humble abode. With the help of their equipment and the Internet, they are still able to proceed.
Most especially, to those firms who are handling finance. Nonetheless, although they are steadfast in operating their enterprise, the MiFID II also wait for their compliance when it comes to WhatsApp call recording and the regulation of the MiFID phone recording. Since this is what helps these firms to be transparent in their transactions even if they are inside their home and as well as for any future references in case something inevitable happens.
But amidst the catastrophic pandemic, there are several financial corps that are failing to obliged in their regulation. Hence, the MiFID II has updated their ordinance as a temporary resolution in this impermanent quarantine.
If you want to learn more about these modified set of rules, read the infographic below brought to you by TeleMessage: